Katherine Esau Posdoctoral Fellowships
Plant Biology Graduate Group Division of Biological Sciences University of California, Davis
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Fellowship Information

Junior Faculty Fellow Award

The Esau Program committee invites nominations for the Katherine Esau Junior Faculty Fellow award.  Candidates should be pre-tenure at the time of the award. The Award is for two years and carries with it research funds in the amount of $15,000 per year. Faculty fellow eligibility will be determined based on evidence of outstanding scholarship in “structural aspects of plants at the level of tissues, organs and whole plants. Included would be studies in which plant structure is integrated with development, evolution and/or function. Modern approaches to important questions in plant anatomy and morphology are encouraged.”
The brief nomination letter from the Department Chair should be accompanied by a Short (3 pages or less) curriculum vitae that would include publications and current grant support, and a statement of research (not to exceed one page) and how it is applicable to the goals of the Esau program. Nominations close the 30th of April in odd numbered years.  Please send all materials by e-mail to esau@plb.ucdavis.edu.  

The selected Faculty Fellow will be required to present a seminar to the campus (in any of the graduate group seminar series) on the research conducted during the tenure of the fellowship.


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